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Statement of Administration Policy: S.J. Res. 268 - Disapproving the Certification by the President that Mexico has Fully Cooperated with U.S. Anti-drug Efforts
Ronald Reagan
Statement of Administration Policy: S.J. Res. 292 - Disapproving the Certification by the President that the Bahamas Have Fully Cooperated with U.S. Anti-drug Efforts
Statement of Administration Policy: S. 1703 - Indian Self-Determination Amendments of 1987
Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 2266 - Pipeline Safety Reauthorization Act of 1988
Statement of Administration Policy: S. Con. Res. 113 - Senate Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 1989
Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 3025 - Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
Statement of Administration Policy: S.J. Res. 282 - Constitutional Amendment Concerning Campaign Expenditures
Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 11 - National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Authorizations
Statement of Administration Policy: S. 858 - Abandoned Shipwreck Act
Statement of Administration Policy: S. 1886 - Financial Modernization Act of 1988