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Interview With Cheryl Jennings of KGO Television, San Francisco, California
William J. Clinton
Interview With Luis Eschegoyan of KDTV, San Francisco
Interview With John Watson of WILM Radio, Wilmington, Delaware
Interview With Jim Dunbar of KGO Radio, San Francisco, California
Interview With Ken Minyard and Roger Barkley of KABC Radio, Los Angeles, California
Interview With Mike Siegel of KVI Radio, Seattle, Washington
Interview with Ed Gordon of Black Entertainment Television
Interview With John Bachman and Laurie Groves of WHO Television, Des Moines, Iowa
Interview With Diane Stern of WBZ Radio, Boston, Massachusetts
Interview With WDIA Radio, Memphis, Tennessee
Interview With John Crane and Ann Nyberg of WTNH Television, New Haven, Connecticut
Interview With Janet Peckinpaugh of WFSB Television, Hartford, Connecticut
Interview With Van Harden, Bonnie Lucas, and Bob Quinn of WHO Radio, Des Moines, Iowa
Interview With Dominic Carter of New York 1 Television, New York City
Interview With Ken Herrera and Jayne Bower of WWJ Radio, Detroit, Michigan
Interview With Bruce Newbury of WPRO Radio, Providence, Rhode Island
Interview With Thera Martin Connelly of WDAS Radio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Interview With Don Lancer of KYW Radio, Philadelphia
Interview With Chuck Meyer of WWWE Radio in Cleveland, Ohio
Interview With Marjorie Clapprood of WRKO Radio, Boston, Massachusetts