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Letter to the Governor of New York Congratulating Him on Establishing a Committee To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to the Governors of the States Urging Them To Establish Committees To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act
Letter to Herbert Hoover, Jr., on His Contribution to the Settlement of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute.
Letter to Ambassador Loy W. Henderson on His Contribution to the Settlement of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and the Shah of Iran Concerning the Settlement of the Oil Problem.
Letter to Joseph T. Meek, Illinois Republican Candidate for the Senate.
Letter to Secretary Weeks Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Transport Policy and Organization.
Letter to Dr. Chester I. Barnard, Chairman, National Science Board, Concerning United States Participation in the International Geophysical Year.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Coty of France After the Fall of the Laniel Cabinet.
Letter to Secretary McKay Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Water Resources Policy.