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Letter to Sargent Shriver on His Appointment To Direct the Program To Eliminate Poverty
Lyndon B. Johnson
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Proposed Amendments to the fair Labor Standards Act
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson Agreeing To Serve as an Honorary Trustee of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial foundation.
Letter to Judge Prettyman in Response to Report of the President's Advisory Commission on Narcotic and Drug Abuse.
Letter to Senate and House Committee Chairmen on Various Legislative Proposals Relating to Transportation.
Letter to the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission on Employee-Management Relations.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Edward R. Murrow as Director, USIA.
Letter to Chairman Khrushchev on the Eve of the Reopening of the Geneva Disarmament Conference.
Letter to Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner as to the Need for Public Institutions of Higher Learning in the District of Columbia.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Appropriations for the Peace Corps.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Theodore C. Sorensen as Special Counsel to the President.
Telegram to Governor Sanford on His Attack on Poverty in North Carolina.
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on Coordination of Federal Activities in the Field.
Letter to Senator Byrd Urging Further Reduction in the Tax Withholding Rate.
Telegram to the Chairman, United Negro College Development Campaign.
Exchange of Letters With President Goulart of Brazil.
Letter to Thomas C. Mann Upon His Assuming New Responsibilities for Latin American Affairs.
Letter to Senate and House Committee Chairmen on Renaming the National Cultural Center in Honor of President Kennedy.
Letter to Bob Hope
Letter to Defense Contractors on the Need for Cost Reduction.