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Letter to Senator Pell Concerning Interurban Transportation Between Eastern Seaboard Cities.
John F. Kennedy
Telegram to the Governor of Mississippi Tendering Federal Assistance in Removing a Sunken Chlorine Barge.
Letter to President Ayub Khan on Problems of Agricultural Productivity in Pakistan.
Letter to Secretary Goldberg Upon His Resignation To Accept Appointment to the Supreme Court
Telegram to Management and Labor Leaders Concerned in the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Strike.
Telegram to Officials of the Boeing Company and the International Association of Machinists Concerning a Threatened Strike.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill Authorizing Mobilization of the Ready Reserve
Letter to Senate and House Minority Leaders on U.S. Information Activities Relating to Berlin.
Letter to Justice Frankfurter Upon His Retirement From the Supreme Court
Letter to Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt on Receiving Report by the Commission on the Status of Women.
Letter to Robert Troutman, Jr., Upon Receiving Report "Plans for Progress - One Year's Accomplishments" of the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity
Letter to Secretary Goldberg in Response to His Report on the Mexican farm Labor Program.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, on the Need for Safer Drugs.
Letter to the Chairmen of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees on Civil Defense.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Report of the U.S. Study Commission-Texas.
Letters to the Secretaries of the Military Departments Commending Reservists on the Eve of Their Release.
Telegram to Union and Management Officials Concerning a Threatened Strike in the Aerospace Industry.
Letter Accepting Resignation of General Norstad as Supreme Commander of United States and Allied forces in Europe.
Letter Accepting Resignation of George McGovern as Director of the food for Peace Program.
Letter to the Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Concerning Use of By-Product Steam from the Hanford Nuclear Reactor.