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Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill To Authorize U.S. Loans to the International Monetary Fund
John F. Kennedy
Exchange of Letters With Ronald Ngala Following U.S. Disaster Assistance to Kenya.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Reorganization of the Department of the Army.
Letter to Governor Rockefeller on Civil Defense.
Letter to Secretary Ribicoff Concerning the Role of the Federal Government in the Field of Mental Health.
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Concerning Monetary Silver.
Letter to the Chairman, U.S. Tariff Commission, Requesting an Investigation of Cotton Imports.
Letter to President Chiari of Panama Concerning the Canal.
Telegram to Constantine Caramanlis Following His Reappointment as Prime Minister of Greece
Telegram to Chairman Brezhnev on the Anniversary of the November Revolution in Russia.
Letter to Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan Suggesting an Exchange of Information on the Problem of Mental Retardation.
Letter to Henry B. Gonzalez in Support of His Candidacy in Texas.
Letter to President Ngo Dinh Diem on the Sixth Anniversary of the Republic of Viet-Nam.
Letter to Pablo Casals Inviting Him To Give a Concert at the White House.
Telegram Commending the AFL-CIO Campaign for the Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation.
Letter of Commendation to John J. McCloy, Adviser to the President on Disarmament.
Letter to the Members of the Committee on Civil Defense of the Governors' Conference.
Letters to Mayor Wagner and to Robert Moses Concerning the New York World's Fair.
Letters to the Vice President Relating to His Trip to Sweden To Attend the Funeral of Dag Hammarskjold.
Letter to the Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board, on the Financial Condition of the Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Compensation Systems