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Memorandum Calling for a Review of the Development and Utilization of Young Career Trainees
Lyndon B. Johnson
Memorandum on the Federal Agency Program: Mission SAFETY-70
Memorandum on Improving the Postal Practices of Federal Agencies.
Memorandum to the Federal Executive Boards on Cost Reduction.
Memorandum Urging Federal Agency Cooperation m the Program "World Weather Watch"
Memorandum on the Need for Improving Procedures for Clearing Incoming Travelers at Ports of Entry
Memorandum on the Need for Reduced Spending by Federal Agencies Following Enactment of the Tax Bill
Memorandum Directing the Development of Contingency Plans for Oil Spill Emergencies
Memorandum Approving the Adoption by the Federal Government of a Standard Code for Information Interchange
Memorandum Directing Agency Cooperation With the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability