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The President's News Conference With President Park Geun-hye of South Korea
Barack Obama
Commencement Address at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio
Remarks at INCAE Business School's Central American Forum on Sustainable Economic Development and a Question-and-Answer Session in San Jose, Costa Rica
The President's Weekly Address
Remarks at a Dinner for Central American Integration System Leaders in San Jose, Costa Rica
The President's News Conference With President Laura Chinchilla Miranda of Costa Rica in San Jose, Costa Rica
Remarks at the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, Mexico
The President's News Conference With President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico
Remarks on the Nomination of Penny S. Pritzker To Be Secretary of Commerce and Michael B. Froman To Be United States Trade Representative
Remarks on the Nomination of Congressman Melvin L. Watt To Be Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and Thomas E. Wheeler To Be Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission