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Remarks at a Reception Honoring Members of the Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe of the People's Republic of China.
Richard Nixon
Telephone Conversation With President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of the Ivory Coast.
Remarks on Plans for the Second Term.
Remarks at a Presidential Election Victory Rally
Remarks on Being Reelected to the Presidency
Remarks in South Dakota Conceding the Presidential Election
George McGovern
Remarks on Election Eve
Radio Address: "The Birthright of an American Child"
Radio Address on Foreign Policy
Remarks at Greensboro, North Carolina
Remarks at Albuquerque, New Mexico
Remarks at Ontario, California
Remarks at Chicago, Illinois
Remarks at Tulsa, Oklahoma
Radio Address on Health Policy
Remarks at Providence, Rhode Island
Address to the Nation: "Look to the Future."
Radio Address on Urban Affairs
Radio Address on Older Americans
Radio Address on Defense Policy