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Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida
Richard Nixon
Remarks to Reporters After a Visit With President Eisenhower at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks Before the Annual Convention of the National Bar Association.
Remarks Upon Signing the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
The President's News Conference
Remarks Upon Signing the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968
Remarks Upon Signing the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act
Remarks at a Ceremony Inaugurating a Pilot Program for the Training of Vietnam War Veterans as Teachers.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Extending the Food for Freedom Program
Remarks Upon Signing Bills for the Protection of Investors in Securities
Remarks Upon Meeting With Officers of the National Association of Counties.
Remarks on Conservation and Beautification at the Signing Ceremony for the Interior Department Appropriation Bill
Remarks Before the National Governors' Conference in Cincinnati.
Remarks of Welcome in Honolulu to President Thieu of South Vietnam
Recorded Remarks in Support of the Foreign Aid Bill.
Remarks to a Group of Members of the Future Farmers of America.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill To Enlarge the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Remarks at a Press Briefing on the New One-Stop Inspection System at Ports of Entry
Remarks at the Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to General Westmoreland.
Remarks Upon Arrival at San Jose, Costa Rica