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Remarks at the Swearing In of George Ball as U.S. Representative to the United Nations.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks at the Swearing In of Frederick DelliQuadri Chief of the Children's Bureau.
Remarks at a Ceremony Opening by Remote Control the Flathead Tunnel in Montana.
Remarks at a Reception for Members of the Foreign Policy Conference for Education Leaders.
Remarks Upon Signing the Special Drawing Rights Act
Remarks at the Ratification Ceremony for the Consular Convention Between the United States and the Soviet Union
Remarks Upon Accepting the "Swords Into Plowshares" Award
Remarks Before the U.N. General Assembly Following Its Endorsement of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
Remarks to Student Winners of a Contest Sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Toasts of the President and the Shah of Iran
Remarks at the Graduation Exercises of the Capitol Page School.
Remarks at a Reception for the Presidential Scholars of 1968.
Remarks for the Press Following the President's Meeting With Governor Nelson Rockefeller
Remarks and Statement Upon Signing Order Establishing the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence.
Address to the Nation Following the Attack on Senator Kennedy
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Authorizing an Increase in the Capital of the Inter-American Development Bank
Toasts of the President and President Trejos of Costa Rica
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Trejos of Costs Rica
Commencement Address at Glassboro State College.
The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch