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Recorded Remarks on the 19th Anniversary of the United Nations
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks in Belleville, Illinois
Remarks in Memorial Hall, Akron University
Remarks to Members of the Press Following a Meeting of the Cabinet
The President's News Conference
Radio and Television Report to the American People on Recent Events in Russia, China, and Great Britain.
Remarks at Government Square in Cincinnati
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Greater Cincinnati Airport
Remarks at a Tree-Planting Ceremony at the White House
Remarks at the Swearing In of Sargent Shriver as Director, Office of Economic Opportunity.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Amending the National Defense Education Act
Remarks on the City Hall Steps, Dayton, Ohio
Remarks to a Group Outside Madison Square Garden
Remarks in Madison Square Garden at a Rally of the Liberal Party of New York
Remarks in Albee Square, Brooklyn
Remarks at the City Hall in Buffalo
Remarks at a Rally at the Rochester, N.Y., Airport
Remarks in New York City at the Annual Dinner of the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation
Remarks at the Mall Shopping Center, Bergen, New Jersey[*]