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Address in New York City Before the General Assembly of the United Nations
John F. Kennedy
Remarks Upon Signing the Peace Corps Bill
Remarks Upon Signing Bill To Expand and Extend the Saline Water Conversion Program
Remarks Upon Signing the Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act
Remarks Upon Signing the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act
Remarks Recorded for the Opening of the United Community Campaigns.
Remarks of Welcome to President Prado of Peru at the Washington National Airport
Toasts of the President and President Prado
Toasts of the President and the President of Mali
Remarks Upon Signing Bills To Combat Organized Crime and Racketeering
Remarks at the Swearing In of the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations.
Remarks of Welcome to President Sukarno of Indonesia and President Keita of Mali at Andrews Air Force Base
Remarks on the 50th Anniversary of the First State Workmen's Compensation Law.
The President's News Conference
Remarks to a Group of Peace Corps Volunteers Before Their Departure for Tanganyika and Ghana.
Remarks at the White House Concert for Handicapped Children.
Remarks Following the Vice President's Report on the Berlin Situation.
Remarks of Welcome to Secretary Dillon on His Return From the Punta del Este Conference
Remarks on Presenting a Trophy to the Winner of the 1960 President's Cup Regatta