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Remarks and Question and Answer Period at the Press Luncheon in Paris
John F. Kennedy
Remarks at SHAPE Headquarters in Paris.
Remarks in Paris Before the North Atlantic Council.
Remarks at a Civic Reception for President Kennedy at the Hotel de Ville.
Remarks to the Staff of the U.S. Embassy in Paris
Remarks Upon Arrival at Orly Airport in Paris
Toasts of the President and President de Gaulle at the Formal Dinner in the Elysee Palace
Transcript of Interview With the President Recorded for French TV and Radio.
Remarks at a Dinner of the Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation in New York City.
Remarks at the President's Birthday Dinner in Boston.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Appropriating Funds for Inter-American Cooperation and for Reconstruction in Chile
Remarks at the Democratic National Committee Dinner in Honor of the President's 44th Birthday.
Remarks by Telephone to the Conference on Peaceful Uses of Space Meeting in Tulsa.
Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs
Remarks of Welcome to Vice President and Mrs. Johnson on Their Return From Southeast Asia
Remarks to the National Advisory Council for the Peace Corps.
Remarks at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa.
Address Before the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Royal Canadian Air Force Uplands Airport in Ottawa
Remarks on the White House Lawn at a Reception for Foreign Students.