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Address Before the National Assembly of Korea.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Remarks at the Headquarters of the Korean Army's Sixth Corps.
Remarks in Seoul Upon Leaving for Honolulu.
Remarks Upon Arrival at Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa
Remarks at the Sungshan Airport, Taipei, Upon Leaving for Okinawa.
Remarks Upon Arrival at Kimpo International Airport in Seoul
Remarks to the Officers and Men of the 7th fleet.
Toast by the President at a Dinner Given in His Honor by President Chiang Kai-shek
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Sungshan Airport, Taipei
Address at a Mass Rally in Taipei
Remarks at a Luncheon Given by the Chamber of Commerce in Manila.
Remarks in Manila Before Leaving for Taipei.
Remarks at the University of the Philippines Upon Receiving an Honorary Degree
Remarks at a Civic Reception at the Luneta in Manila
Address Before a Joint Session of the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives.
Remarks to the Staff of the U.S. Embassy and the American Community in Manila.
Toast by the President at a Dinner Given in His Honor by President Garcia
Remarks Upon Arrival at the International Airport in Manila
Remarks Upon Arrival at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, Alaska.
Statement by the President Recorded Before Leaving for the Far East.