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Remarks on Signing the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act and Returning Without Approval to the House of Representatives the "Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005"
George W. Bush
Remarks Following a Meeting With Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following Discussions With President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil in Strelna
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India in Strelna
Remarks Following Discussions With President Hu Jintao of China in Strelna
Remarks Following Discussions With President Jacques Chirac of France in Strelna
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom and an Exchange With Reporters in Strelna
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Romano Prodi of Italy in Strelna
The President's News Conference With President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Strelna, Russia
The President's Radio Address
Remarks in a Discussion With Civic Leaders in St. Petersburg, Russia
The President's News Conference With Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in Stralsund
Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony in Stralsund, Germany
Remarks at Allen-Edmonds Shoe Corporation in Port Washington, Wisconsin
Remarks on the Office of Management and Budget Mid-Session Review
Remarks at a Reception for Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Green in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Janez Jansa of Slovenia
Interview With Foreign Journalists
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring the Special Olympics
Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony for Henry M. Paulson, Jr., as Secretary of the Treasury