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Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea and an Exchange With Reporters in Shanghai
George W. Bush
Remarks to the United States Embassy Community in Shanghai
Remarks at the California Business Association Breakfast in Sacramento, California
Remarks to the Community at Travis Air Force Base, California
Interview With Asian Editors
Remarks on America's Fund for Afghan Children
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks to Members of the Senior Executive Service
Exchange With Reporters on Returning From Camp David, Maryland
Videotaped Remarks to the American Society of Anesthesiologists
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at a Hispanic Heritage Month Reception
Remarks to the March of Dimes Volunteer Leadership Conference
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Department of Defense Service of Remembrance in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks Following a Cabinet Meeting
Remarks Announcing the Most Wanted Terrorists List
Remarks Following Discussions With Secretary General Lord Robertson of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Remarks Following Discussions With Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany and an Exchange With Reporters