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Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Roderick R. Paige as Secretary of Education
George W. Bush
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Bipartisan Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Submitting the Education Reform Plan to the Congress
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Education Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Meeting With Republican Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Meeting With Democratic Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Reading Roundtable
Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony for White House Staff
Inaugural Address
The President's Radio Address
William J. Clinton
Farewell Address to the Nation
Remarks to the Community in Little Rock
Remarks to a Joint Session of the Arkansas State Legislature in Little Rock, Arkansas
Remarks on the Designation of New National Monuments
Remarks to the United States Conference of Mayors
Remarks on Presenting the Medal of Honor
Exchange With Reporters at the Greenleaf Senior Center
Remarks at a Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday Celebration
Remarks on the 2001 Economic Report and an Exchange With Reporters