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Remarks to the Illinois Air National Guard in Chicago
William J. Clinton
Videotaped Address to the Kosovar Refugees
Excerpt of Videotaped Remarks to the to the United States Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting
Remarks at Whiteman Air Force Base in Knob Noster, Missouri
Interview With Jim Lehrer of PBS' "NewsHour"
Remarks at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Dinner
Remarks on the Military Technical Agreement on Kosovo and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks to the 1998 World Series Champion New York Yankees
Address to the Nation on the Military Technical Agreement on Kosovo
Opening Remarks at a Roundtable Discussion on Increasing Trust Between Communities and Law Enforcement Officers
Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony for the Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center in Bethesda, Maryland
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Arpad Goncz of Hungary
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Arpad Goncz of Hungary and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Meeting With Representatives of the National Association of Theatre Owners and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring President Arpad Goncz of Hungary
Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner for Terence McAuliffe
The President's Radio Address
Interview With Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer and a Discussion With Students on ABC's "Good Morning America"
Remarks at a Breakfast for Representative Nick J. Rahall II