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Remarks to the Disabled American Veterans National Convention in Reno, Nevada
George Bush
Remarks to the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Convention in New York City
Remarks to Multitex Employees in Dalton, Georgia
Remarks to Shaw Industries Employees in Dalton
Remarks on Arrival in Jacksonville, Florida
Remarks at a Fundraising Brunch for Rich Williamson in Rosemont, Illinois
Remarks at the Northwest Republican Family Picnic in Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Remarks at a Breakfast With Community Service Clubs in Riverside, California
Remarks to Odetics, Inc., Associates in Anaheim, California
Remarks at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory in Waxahachie, Texas
Remarks to Hispanic Business Leaders
Remarks to Outlook Graphics Employees in Neenah, Wisconsin
Remarks to Holland American Wafer Employees in Wyoming, Michigan
Remarks on Arrival in Appleton, Wisconsin
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on Arrival From Camp David, Maryland
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on Families in Columbia, Missouri
Remarks to the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks at the Show Me State Games in Columbia
Remarks at a Community Picnic in Brookville, Ohio
Remarks on Signing the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 in Annandale, Virginia