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Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Barack Obama
The President's Weekly Address
The President's News Conference
Remarks on Signing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010
Remarks on Signing the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at Long Branch Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks on United States Military and Diplomatic Strategies for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Remarks at the American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Nations Conference
Remarks on Legislation To Extend Tax Cuts and Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Remarks at a Reception at the Department of State
Remarks on Congressional Action on Legislation To Extend Tax Cuts and Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Remarks Honoring the 2010 National Basketball Association Champion Los Angeles Lakers
Remarks on Signing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
Remarks at "Christmas in Washington"
Remarks Following a Meeting With Former President William J. Clinton and an Exchange With Reporters
Interview With Steve Inskeep on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition"
Remarks on Lighting the National Christmas Tree
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With the President's Export Council
Remarks on Signing the Claims Resolution Act of 2010
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Tax Reform and the Extension of Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Remarks at the Kennedy Center Honors Reception
Remarks on the South Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement
Remarks to United States and Coalition Troops at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan
Remarks on Lighting the Hanukkah Menorah
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Newly Elected Governors
Remarks Following a Meeting With Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Meeting With Congressional Leaders
Remarks on Fiscal Responsibility
Remarks at the Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony
Remarks at the Chrysler Indiana Transmission Plant II in Kokomo, Indiana
Interview With The First Lady and Barbara Walters on ABC's "A Barbara Walters Special: A Thanksgiving Visit with President and Mrs. Obama"
Remarks Following the European Union-United States Summit in Lisbon
The President's News Conference in Lisbon, Portugal