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Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Republican Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
George W. Bush
Telephone Remarks on Former President Ronald Reagan's 90th Birthday
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for State Department Foreign Service Personnel
Remarks in a Discussion With Employers of National Guard Personnel and Reservists in Charleston, West Virginia
Remarks to National Guard Personnel and Reservists in Charleston
Remarks on the Situation in the Middle East
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Remarks to the Troops at Norfolk Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia
Remarks to the Troops at Fort Stewart, Georgia
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at J.C. Nalle Elementary School and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Norman Y. Mineta as Secretary of Transportation
Remarks on Transmitting the Tax Relief Plan to the Congress
Remarks at the Tax Family Reunion and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at Tree Top Toys & Books and an Exchange With Reporters in McLean, Virginia
Videotaped Remarks in a Tribute to Former President Ronald Reagan
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Donald L. Evans as Secretary of Commerce
Remarks Announcing the Tax Relief Plan and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Jean Chretien of Canada and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Republican Congressional Retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia
Remarks Announcing the New Freedom Initiative
Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Bipartisan Congressional Leaders
Remarks in a Meeting With Catholic Charities Leaders
Remarks Prior to a Cabinet Meeting and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With the Congressional Black Caucus
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Paul H. O'Neill as Secretary of the Treasury
Remarks at the Fishing School
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Bipartisan Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Meeting With Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Signing Executive Orders With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With the National Energy Policy Development Group and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Donald H. Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense
Remarks at a Luncheon With Freshman Members of the House of Representatives
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Colin L. Powell as Secretary of State
Remarks Following a Meeting With Governors and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters