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Remarks at a Dinner Honoring the New Jersey Congressional Delegation
William J. Clinton
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel of Germany
Exchange With Reporters During a Luncheon With the Vice President
Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Meeting With Democratic Congressional Leaders
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Economic Advisers
Remarks to Office of Management and Budget Employees
Remarks to the National Governors' Association
Remarks at the Democratic Governors' Association Dinner
Remarks Following a Meeting With the Nation's Governors
Remarks Following Entertainment at a State Dinner for the Nation's Governors
Remarks in a Telephone Conversation Congratulating the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys
Remarks at a State Dinner for the Nation's Governors
The President's News Conference
Teleconference Remarks on Family and Medical Leave Legislation
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Representatives of the Close-Up Foundation
Remarks Honoring the School Principal of the Year and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting with Congressional Leaders
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on Health Care Reform
Remarks on the Establishment of the National Economic Council and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Signing Memorandums on Medical Research and Reproductive Health and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Following a Cabinet Meeting
Remarks on the Swearing-In of Cabinet Members
Remarks at a Cabinet Meeting
Remarks to Inaugural Parade Groups
Remarks at the Inaugural Luncheon
Inaugural Address
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada at Camp David, Maryland
George Bush
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on the Situation in Iraq
Remarks on the Forests for the Future Initiative
Remarks at an Armed Forces Salute to the President in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks at a Celebration of the Points of Light
Remarks on Presenting the National Security Medal to Admiral Jonathan T. Howe and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to President Ronald Reagan
Remarks at a Disability Community Tribute to the President
Remarks to Central Intelligence Agency Employees in Langley, Virginia
Remarks at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York