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Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Judge Warren Earl Burger To Be Chief Justice of the United States
Richard Nixon
Remarks at the Swearing In of Robert Ellsworth as United States Permanent Representative to NATO.
Toasts of the President and King Baudouin of Belgium
Remarks on Accepting the Hope Chest Award of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Remarks on Presenting Scholastic Achievement Awards to Blind College Students
Remarks at the Presentation of the World Trade "E" Awards.
Remarks on Armed Forces Day Aboard the U.S.S. Saratoga
Remarks on Presenting the Medal of Honor to CWO Frederick E. Ferguson and Sp4c. Thomas J. Kinsman, USA.
Remarks Following a Meeting With Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge on Vietnam and the Paris Peace Talks
Address to the Nation on Vietnam.
Remarks Prior to the Departure of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller for Latin America.
Remarks at the Republican Victory Dinner
Remarks on the Departure of Prime Minister Gorton of Australia
Remarks at the Swearing In of Lt. Gen. Robert E. Cushman, Jr., as Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency.
Remarks at the Swearing In of William H. Brown III as a Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister John G. Gorton of Australia
Remarks at the Swearing In of Joseph H. Blatchford as Director of the Peace Corps.
Remarks in Columbia, S.C., During a Visit With Former Governor and Mrs. James Byrnes.
Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States
Toast of the President at a Dinner Honoring Duke Ellington
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Duke Ellington.
Remarks Presenting the National Teacher of the Year Award.
Remarks at the Azalea Festival in Norfolk, Virginia.
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Representative Donald Rumsfeld as Director, Office of Economic Opportunity
Remarks at the Swearing In of Virginia H. Knauer as Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs.
The President's News Conference
Remarks at a Reception Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of the United States
Remarks at the 17th Annual Republican Women's Conference.
Remarks to the Assembly of the Organization of American States.
Address at the Commemorative Session of the North Atlantic Council.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to King Hussein I of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Eulogy Delivered at the Capitol During the State Funeral of General Eisenhower
Remarks on Accepting the "Sword of Hope" of the American Cancer Society Crusade.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Walt Disney Commemorative Medal
Remarks at the Convention of the National Association of Broadcasters
Remarks at the Conclusion of the Visit of Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada
Remarks at Van Horn High School, Independence, Missouri.
Remarks on Arrival at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, Oxnard, California.