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Remarks Following a Cabinet Meeting and an Exchange With Reporters
George W. Bush
Remarks at the Opening Session of the NATO-Russia Council Meeting in Rome
Remarks in Discussions With Secretary General Lord Robertson of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and an Exchange With Reporters in Rome, Italy
Remarks at the Sainte Mere Eglise Church in Sainte Mere Eglise, France
Remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony in Colleville-sur-Mer, France
The President's News Conference With President Jacques Chirac of France in Paris, France
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Following a Tour of the Choral Synagogue in St. Petersburg
The President's Radio Address
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Students at St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg
Exchange With Reporters During a Tour of the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia
The President's News Conference With President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Moscow
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Moscow, Russia
Remarks to Community and Religious Leaders in Moscow
Remarks to a Special Session of the German Bundestag
The President's News Conference With Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany in Berlin
Remarks on Departure for Berlin, Germany
Remarks Honoring NCAA Champion Teams
Interview With European Journalists
Interview With Giulio Borrelli of RAI Italian Television
Interview With Christian Malar of TF-3 French Television
Interview With Claus Kleber of ARD German Television
Remarks on the 100th Anniversary of Cuban Independence in Miami, Florida
Remarks Announcing the Initiative for a New Cuba
Remarks on Presenting the Commander in Chief's Trophy to the United States Air Force Academy Falcons
Remarks on the Observance of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Remarks to the Coalition for Medicare Choices
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Gold Medal to Former President Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan
Remarks at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast
Remarks at the Peace Officers Memorial Service
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad of Malaysia and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Signing the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002
Remarks at a Republican National Committee Dinner
Remarks in a Discussion on the Welfare to Work Program in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks on Signing the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
Remarks at a Luncheon for Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Ryan in Chicago
Remarks on the Russia-United States Strategic Offensive Reductions Agreement
Remarks at St. Stephen's Community House in Columbus, Ohio
Remarks at a Luncheon for Governor Bob Taft in Columbus
Remarks in a Tribute to Milton Friedman
Remarks Following a Meeting With Congressional Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Reception for Senator Ted Stevens
Remarks at Clarke Street Elementary School in Milwaukee
Remarks Prior to Discussions With King Abdullah II of Jordan and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at Logan High School in La Crosse, Wisconsin
Remarks at Rufus King International Baccalaureate High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony To Rename the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building
Remarks at Vandenberg Elementary School in Southfield
Exchange With Reporters in Southfield, Michigan
Remarks at Opening Day of 2002 White House Tee-Ball
Remarks at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner
Remarks on Senate Inaction on Nominations for the Federal Judiciary
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Jose Maria Aznar of Spain and an Exchange With Reporters at Camp David, Maryland
Remarks at a Cinco de Mayo Reception
The President's News Conference With European Union Leaders
Remarks at a National Day of Prayer Reception
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor Posthumously to Captain Ben L. Salomon and Captain Jon E. Swanson