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Remarks Congratulating the Crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery
Ronald Reagan
Remarks on Signing the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988
Remarks on Signing the Family Support Act of 1988
Remarks to Area High School Students and Faculty in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
Remarks at a Columbus Day Dinner in West Orange, New Jersey
Informal Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraising Reception
Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and the War on Drugs
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraising Dinner in Detroit, Michigan
Remarks on the Nation's Economy
Remarks to High School Students and Citizens in Sterling Heights, Michigan
Remarks at a Business Leaders Luncheon in Sterling Heights, Michigan
Toasts at the State Dinner for President Moussa Traore of Mali
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Moussa Traore of Mali
Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating German-American Day
Remarks at the Site of the Future Holocaust Memorial Museum
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Yuriy and Tanya Zieman
Remarks at the Republican Governors Club Dinner
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Minority Enterprise Development Week Awards
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Republican Congressional Leaders
Remarks to Participants in the Yale University-Moscow State University Exchange Project
Remarks to the National Drug Policy Board
Remarks on Signing the Columbus Day Proclamation
Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget
Remarks at Georgetown University's Bicentennial Convocation
Informal Exchange with Reporters
Remarks at a Luncheon With Community Leaders in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraiser in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the "C" Flag Awards
Remarks on Signing the United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement Implementation Act of 1988
Remarks to Office of Management and Budget Staff
Address to the 43d Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, New York
Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Presidential Candidates Debate
Radio Address to the Nation on Foreign Policy
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraising Brunch in Boca Raton, Florida
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraising Dinner in Houston, Texas
Remarks at a Republican Party Rally in Waco, Texas
Remarks at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas
Remarks at the Swearing-in Ceremony for Lauro F. Cavazos as Secretary of Education
Remarks to the United States Jaycees
Radio Address to the Nation on the Summer Olympic Games
Remarks at the Swearing-in Ceremony for Nicholas F. Brady as Secretary of the Treasury
Remarks to Participants in the Elementary School Recognition Program
Remarks at the Congressional Barbecue
Remarks at a White House Briefing for Hispanic-American News Media
Remarks at a Republican Party Campaign Fundraiser in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks at a Republican Party Rally in Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Remarks on Signing the National Hispanic Heritage Week Proclamation
Remarks on Signing the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988
Radio Address to the Nation on Education
Remarks on Signing the Youth 2000 Week Proclamation
Remarks to the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
Remarks to Executive Women in Government
Remarks at the Dedication of the C.J. and Marie Gray Center for the Communications Arts at Hastings College in Nebraska
Remarks at the National Convention of the American Legion in Louisville, Kentucky
Radio Address to the Nation on the Economy and Welfare Reform
Remarks at a Fundraiser for Representative Robert J. Lagomarsino in Santa Barbara, California
Radio Address to the Nation on Foreign Policy Achievements