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Remarks at a Press Briefing by David Lilienthal and Robert Komer Following Their Return From Vietnam
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks at Ceremony Marking the Ratification of the Presidential Inability (25th) Amendment to the Constitution.
Remarks at a White House Luncheon for Farm Leaders.
Toasts of the President and the Emperor of Ethiopia
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia
Remarks at a Ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial.
Toasts of the President and King Hassan II of Morocco
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to King Hassan II of Morocco
Remarks to a Group of Boy Scouts Following Their Presentation of the Scouts' Annual "Report to the Nation."
Remarks Upon Presenting the National Medal of Science Awards for 1966
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast
Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the Effective Date of the Increase in Minimum Wages.
Remarks Upon Accepting a Portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Remarks to the Members of the United States Jaycees Governmental Affairs Seminar.
The President's Remarks Upon Being Advised That He Would Receive the Franklin D. Roosevelt Birthday Memorial Award
Remarks at the Signing of the Treaty on Outer Space.
Toasts of the President and President-elect Costa e Silva of Brazil
Remarks Upon Presenting the Medal of Honor to Maj. Bernard F. Fisher, USAF
The President's Toast at a Dinner Honoring the Vice President, the Speaker, and the Chief Justice
Remarks at the Swearing In of Alan S. Boyd as Secretary of the New Department of Transportation.
Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union.
Remarks to the Lyndon B. Johnson Australian Science Scholars.
First Inaugural Address as Governor of California
Ronald Reagan
First Inaugural Address as Governor of California: Midnight Ceremony
The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch
Remarks Before Signing Proclamation 3759 "Youth for Natural Beauty and Conservation Year."
Recorded Remarks for the 25th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.
Remarks at the Unveiling of a Model of the U.S. Pavilion for the Canadian World's Fair EXPO '67.
Remarks at a Reception for a Group of Veterans of the War in Vietnam.
Remarks at the Lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree
The President's News Conference at Austin, Texas
Remarks Upon Awarding the Medal of Honor to Sgt. Robert E. O'Malley, USMC
Remarks At Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas.
Remarks in Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, During the Inspection of the Amistad Dam.
The President's News Conference in Austin, Texas
Remarks at a Press Briefing at the LBJ Ranch
Remarks at an Award Ceremony at the LBJ Ranch Marking the Conclusion of the Gemini Space Program
The President's Meeting With the Press on His Departure From the Hospital
Telephone Message to the Employees of HUD on the Occasion of the Department's First Anniversary.
The President's Remarks Upon Casting His Ballot in Johnson City, Texas
Remarks at the Welhausen Elementary School, Cotulla, Texas
Remarks at the Signing of the Truth-in-Packaging and Child Protection Bills
Remarks Upon Signing the Demonstration Cities Bill and the Clean Water Restoration Bill
Remarks Upon Signing Bills Relating to Health and Education
Farewell Remarks at Kimpo International Airport, Seoul, Korea, Upon Departing for Alaska
Remarks at Dulles International Airport Upon Returning From the Asian-Pacific Trip.
Remarks at a Civic Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska
Remarks Before the Korean National Assembly, Seoul, Korea.