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Remarks at the United States Pavilion, New York World's Fair.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks Upon Receiving a Citation from the Disciples of Christ Historical Society.
Remarks to a Group of Treasury Department Officials on Equal Employment Opportunity
Remarks to a Group of Editors and Broadcasters Attending a National Conference on Foreign Policy
Remarks to the Members of the Public Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiations.
Remarks on Foreign Affairs at the Associated Press Luncheon in New York City
Remarks at the Swearing In of Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace as Director of Space Medicine for the Manned Space flight.
Remarks on Introducing Secretary Rusk to the Press following His Return from the far East
The President's News Conference
Remarks at a Reception for Members of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Remarks to a Group in Connection With the Montana Territorial Centennial.
Remarks at the first Meeting of the President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke
Remarks to a Group of Argentine Senators.
Remarks following a Meeting With Railroad Management and Union Representatives.
Remarks in Support of a Fundraising Drive for a Winston Churchill Memorial Library at Westminster College, Missouri
Remarks Upon Signing Order Establishing the President's Committee on Manpower.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Hussein I, King of Jordan
Toasts of the President and King Hussein I
Remarks at a Reception for Recently Appointed Women in Government.
Remarks Upon Signing the Wheat-Cotton Bill
Remarks at the Opening of final Negotiations in the Railroad Dispute.
Radio and Television Statement Announcing a Moratorium in the Railroad Labor Dispute.
Remarks to New Participants in "Plans for Progress" Equal Opportunity Agreements
Remarks to the Cabinet Committee on Export Expansion.
Remarks following the Signing of a Joint Declaration With Panama.
Remarks on the 15th Anniversary of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty.
The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch
Remarks to Members of the Southern Baptist Christian Leadership Seminar.
Remarks Upon Accepting the Big Brother of the Year Award
Remarks to the Legislative Conference of the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO.
Remarks in Atlantic City at the Convention of the United Auto Workers
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Appropriations for Defense Procurement and for Research and Development
Remarks at the 1964 Democratic Congressional Dinner
Telephone Conversation With the President of the National Farmers' Union.
Remarks in New York City at a Dinner of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
Remarks to the Labor Advisory Council to the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.
Remarks on the Third Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.
Transcript of Television and Radio Interview Conducted by Representatives of Major Broadcast Services.
Remarks Upon Arrival in Cincinnati After Aerial Inspection of the Ohio River Basin Flood.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Extending the Federal Airports Act
Remarks Upon Receiving the Secretary of Labor's Manpower Report.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Frederick C. Belen as Deputy Postmaster General and William McMillan as Assistant Postmaster General
Remarks Upon Presenting the First Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Award to Judge Anna M. Kross
Remarks to the Winners of the Federal Woman's Award
Remarks at the Swearing In of Nicholas Johnson as Maritime Administrator.
Remarks Recorded for the Opening of the Red Cross Campaign.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Carl T. Rowan as Director, United States Information Agency.
Remarks at Miami Beach at a Democratic Party Dinner
Remarks at the Ground-Breaking Ceremony for the Florida Cross-State Barge Canal.
Radio and Television Remarks Upon Signing the Tax Bill
Remarks in Los Angeles at a Mexican fiesta Given in His Honor by President Lopez Mateos.
Remarks at the 96th Charter Day Observance of the University of California at Los Angeles
Remarks to a Delegation of Students from Seton Hall University
Remarks at St. Louis University