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Transcript of Interview With the President Recorded for French TV and Radio.
John F. Kennedy
Remarks at a Dinner of the Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation in New York City.
Remarks at the President's Birthday Dinner in Boston.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Appropriating Funds for Inter-American Cooperation and for Reconstruction in Chile
Remarks at the Democratic National Committee Dinner in Honor of the President's 44th Birthday.
Remarks by Telephone to the Conference on Peaceful Uses of Space Meeting in Tulsa.
Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs
Remarks of Welcome to Vice President and Mrs. Johnson on Their Return From Southeast Asia
Remarks to the National Advisory Council for the Peace Corps.
Address Before the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.
Remarks at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa.
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Royal Canadian Air Force Uplands Airport in Ottawa
Remarks on the White House Lawn at a Reception for Foreign Students.
Greetings Telephoned to President Truman on the Occasion of His 77th Birthday.
Remarks at the Presentation of NASA's Distinguished Service Medal to Astronaut Alan B. Shepard.
Address at the 39th Annual Convention of the National Association of Broadcasters.
The President's News Conference
Remarks Upon Signing the Minimum Wage Bill
Exchange of Remarks in the Rose Garden With President Bourguiba of Tunisia.
Toasts of the President and President Bourguiba
Remarks of Welcome to President Bourguiba of Tunisia at the Washington National Airport
Remarks at George Washington University Upon Receiving an Honorary Degree
Remarks to the Joint Conference of Regional Commissioners and District Directors of the Internal Revenue Service.
Remarks Upon Signing the Area Redevelopment Act
Remarks Recorded for Broadcast During the Annual Civil Defense Exercises.
Address in Chicago at a Dinner of the Democratic Party of Cook County
Address "The President and the Press" Before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, New York City
Remarks Before the National Academy of Sciences.
Remarks of Welcome to President Sukarno of Indonesia at Andrews Air Force Base
Address Before the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Transcript of Remarks During an Interview for British Television.
Remarks Upon Awarding the National Geographic Society Gold Medal to Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Caramanlis of Greece
Remarks at a Reception Marking African Freedom Day.
Remarks at the Protocolary Session of the Council of the Organization of American States.
Remarks at the First Meeting of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity
Remarks at the Opening Session of the Meeting of the Military Committee of NATO.
Remarks at the Reading of the Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Macmillan
Recorded Greetings to the President and People of Brazil.
Remarks at a Meeting of the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy.
Remarks on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Italian Unification.
Address at a White House Reception for Members of Congress and for the Diplomatic Corps of the Latin American Republics.
Remarks on Introducing President Nkrumah to the Press.
Remarks of Welcome to President Nkrumah of Ghana at the Washington National Airport
Remarks at the Dedication of the National Wildlife Federation Building.
Remarks Recorded for a Television Program Marking Twenty- five Years of Publication of Life Magazine.
Statement by the President Recorded for the Opening of the Red Cross Campaign.
Remarks at a Meeting With the Board of Foreign Scholarships and the U.S. Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange.
Remarks Recorded for the Television Program "Robert Frost: American Poet."
Remarks to the Delegates to the Youth Fitness Conference.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Paul Henri Spaak, Secretary General of NATO.
Address at a Luncheon Meeting of the National Industrial Conference Board.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Robert C. Weaver as Housing and Home Finance Administrator.