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The President's News Conference
Harry S Truman
Toasts of the President and President Quirino at a Dinner in Honor of President Truman
Remarks of Welcome to President Quirino of the Philippines at Washington National Airport
Toasts of the President and President Quirino at the State Dinner
Remarks to the American Legion Boys Forum of National Government.
Remarks to a Group of German Editors and Publishers.
Address in Chicago Before the Imperial Council Session of the Shrine of North America.
Remarks in Chicago at the Shriners Diamond Jubilee Banquet.
Radio and Television Report to the American People on the State of the National Economy.
Remarks to Delegates to the National Conference of Boy Governors.
Remarks to the Delegates to the National 4-H Club Camp.
Address in Little Rock at the Dedication of the World War Memorial Park.
Informal Remarks in Little Rock, Arkansas, in Connection With the Reunion of the 35th Division Association.
Address at a Dinner in Honor of General George C. Marshall.
Address to the President's Conference on Highway Safety.
Remarks to the Foreign Delegates of the Inter-American Bar Association.
Remarks Upon Receiving the Robert S. Abbott Memorial Award
Remarks to the President's Conference on Community Responsibility to Our Peacetime Servicemen and Women.
Toasts of the President and President Dutra at a Dinner at the Brazilian Embassy
Remarks to Members of the Brazilian Press.
Remarks of Welcome to the President of Brazil at the Washington National Airport
Remarks and Toasts at a Dinner in Honor of President Dutra of Brazil
Radio Remarks Opening the Opportunity Savings Bond Drive.
Remarks to Members of the Agricultural Editors Association.
Remarks to the National Association of Radio Farm Directors.
Remarks at a Meeting with the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Remarks to Members of the Associated Church Press.
Address and Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Volunteers in the Savings Bond Campaign
Remarks to Members of the National Conference of Business Paper Editors.
Remarks on the Floor of the Senate on the Fourth Anniversary of the Death of President Roosevelt.
Remarks at a Supper for the Jefferson-Jackson Day Executive Committee.
Remarks to a Group of New Democratic Senators and Representatives.
Address on the Occasion of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty
Toasts of the President and the Prime Minister of Belgium
Remarks at a Dinner for Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson.
Radio Address as Part of Interdenominational Program, "One Great Hour"
Remarks at a Testimonial Dinner for Secretary Forrestal.
Address Before the President's Conference on Industrial Safety.
Address Before the United States Conference of Mayors.
Remarks at the Graduation Ceremonies, Fleet Sonar School, U.S. Naval Base, Key West, Florida
The President's News Conference at Key West
Address at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida