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Remarks to a Group From the Eighth Annual Science Talent Search.
Harry S Truman
Radio Address Opening the Red Cross Fund Campaign.
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner.
Remarks at a Savings Bond Drive Dinner.
Remarks at a Dinner in Honor of General Vaughan Given by the Reserve Officers Association.
Remarks to Officers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Remarks to Young Representatives From Marshall Plan Countries.
Remarks to the National Planning Association.
Remarks to the Women's Division of the Democratic National Committee.
Inaugural Address.
Remarks at the Battery D Breakfast.
Remarks at a Luncheon of the Finance Committee of the Democratic National Committee
Remarks at a Dinner of the Presidential Electors Association
Remarks at the Truman-Barkley Dinner
The President's News Conference on the Budget
Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union
Radio Remarks on the Occasion of the Lighting of the Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds
Remarks of Welcome at the Washington National Airport to President Prio of Cuba
Address Before the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
The President's News Conference at Key West, Florida
Remarks Upon Arrival at the White House.
Remarks in Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio While En Route to Washington.
Remarks at the Victory Celebration in Independence
Radio Remarks in Independence on Election Eve
Address at the Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, Missouri
Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri
Address at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City
Informal Remarks in New York
Address in Harlem, New York, Upon Receiving the Franklin Roosevelt Award
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York
Address in Madison Square Garden, New York City
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Massachusetts and Connecticut
Address at Mechanics Hall in Boston
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Indiana and Ohio
Address in the Cleveland Municipal Auditorium
Address in the Memorial Auditorium, Gary, Indiana
Rear Platform Remarks in Indiana
Address in the Chicago Stadium
Rear Platform Remarks in Pennsylvania
Address in Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Address in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Address in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Address in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Address on Radio Program Sponsored by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union Campaign Committee
Address at the State Capitol, Raleigh, North Carolina
Address at the State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, North Carolina
Address in Miami at the American Legion Convention
The President's News Conference Aboard the Campaign Train