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The President's News Conference on the Railway Labor Negotiations
Harry S Truman
The President's Regular News Conference
The President's Special News Conference on the Coal Strike
Address at Fordham University, New York City, Upon Receiving an Honorary Degree
The President's News Conference
Address Before the President's Highway Safety Conference.
Radio Appeal to the Nation for Food Conservation to Relieve Hunger Abroad -
The President's Special Conference With the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Address Before the Governing Board of the Pan American Union.
Address at the Dedication of the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt as a National Shrine.
Remarks Upon Presenting the Collier's Congressional Awards to Senator Vandenberg and Representative Monroney
The President's News Conference With the Keen Teen Club of Chicago
Address in Chicago on Army Day.
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to Commander Richard H. O'Kane, USN, and Master Sergeant Charles L. McGaha, USA.
Address at the Jackson Day Dinner.
Address in Columbus at a Conference of the Federal Council of Churches.
Remarks Introducing Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom and on Receiving an Honorary Degree at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri
Radio Remarks Opening the Red Cross War Fund Drive.
Remarks to Members of the Conference Called To Develop a Food Conservation Program.
Remarks to a Delegation from the United Jewish Appeal.
Remarks to Heads of Agencies and Personnel Directors on Reconversion of the Civil Service
Radio Remarks on Behalf of the March of Dimes Campaign.
The President's News Conference on the Budget
Radio Report to the American People on the Status of the Reconversion Program.
Address at the Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds
The President's News Conference Following the Signing of a Joint Declaration on Atomic Energy
Address at the Opening Session of the Labor- Management Conference.
Radio Address to the American People on Wages and Prices in the Reconversion Period.
Address on Foreign Policy at the Navy Day Celebration in New York City.
Address in New York City at the Commissioning of the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on Universal Military Training
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to Fifteen Members of the Armed Forces.
Address and Remarks at the Dedication of the Kentucky Dam at Gilbertsville, Kentucky.
The President's News Conference at Tiptonville, Tennessee
Remarks at the Pemiscot County Fair, Caruthersville, Missouri.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor to Fourteen Members of the Navy and Marine Corps.