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Rear-Platform Remarks at North Platte, Nebr., during a Drought Inspection Trip.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Rear-Platform Remarks at Cheyenne, Wyo., during a Drought Inspection Trip.
Rear-Platform Remarks at Laramie, Wyo., during a Drought Inspection Trip.
Rear-Platform Remarks at Julesburg, Colo., during a Drought Inspection Trip.
Remarks at Sidney, Nebraska.
Remarks at Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
Rear-Platform Remarks at Jamestown, N.D., during a Drought Inspection Trip
Rear-Platform Remarks at Aberdeen, S.D., during a Drought Inspection Trip
Rear-Platform Remarks at Huron, S.D., during a Drought Inspection Trip
Remarks at Bismarck, N.D., during a Drought Inspection Trip
Rear-Platform Remarks at Gary, Ind., during Drought Inspection Trip.
Address at Chautauqua, N.Y.
Remarks at the Great Lakes Exposition, Cleveland, Ohio.
Remarks at the C.C.C. Camp near Johnstown, Pa.
Address in Quebec, Canada.
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination in Topeka, Kansas
Alf Landon
Address at the Dedication of the Triborough Bridge, New York City.
Remarks at the Roosevelt Home Club Celebration, Hyde Park, N.Y.
Remarks to Stockmen on Grazing Policy.
Address at the Home of Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Virginia.
Address at the Dedication of Shenandoah National Park.
Acceptance Speech for the Renomination for the Presidency, Philadelphia, Pa.
Remarks to Members of Kiwanis. The White House, Washington, D.C.
Address at George Rogers Clark Memorial, Vincennes, Ind.
Remarks on Visiting the Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln.
Address at the Texas Centennial Exposition, Dallas, Texas.
Remarks at the Unveiling of the Robert E. Lee Memorial Statue, Dallas, Texas.
Remarks at a Luncheon in Dallas, Texas.
Rear-Platform Speech at Austin, Texas.
Address at San Jacinto Battleground, Texas.
Address at the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas.
Remarks in Rockport, Arkansas.
Address at Little Rock, Arkansas.
Remarks to the Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World.
Address at the Thomas Jefferson Dinner, New York City.
Radio Address on the Third Anniversary of C.C.C.
Address at the Dedication of the New Department of Interior Building, Washington, D.C.
Address to the Young Democratic Club, Baltimore, Md.
Address at Rollins College, Florida, on Receiving an Honorary Degree
Radio Address on Brotherhood Day.
Address at Temple University, Philadelphia, on Receiving an Honorary Degree
Address by Radio for the Third Birthday Ball for the Benefit of Crippled Children.
Excerpt from a Press Conference Release on Land Use
Address at the Dedication of the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial.
Remarks to the State Emergency Council of New Jersey.
Jackson Day Dinner Address, Washington, D.C.
Annual Message to Congress
Excerpts from the Press Conference Held for Journalism School Faculty
Christmas Greeting to the Nation
Remarks to State Superintendents of Education.
Address on Receiving the 1935 Award for Distinguished Service to Agriculture, Chicago, Illinois