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Statement on Signing the Energy Emergency Preparedness Act of 1982
Ronald Reagan
Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Statement on Signing the Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1982
Statement on Signing the Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1982
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing United States Humanitarian Assistance for Lebanon
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing Construction of the Smithsonian Institution Center for Non-Western Cultures
Statement on Signing a Bill Concerning Human Rights in the Soviet Union
Statement on Signing the Multinational Force and Observers Participation Resolution
Statement on Signing Black Lung Program Reform Legislation
Statement on Signing the Union Station Redevelopment Act of 1981
Statement on Signing Social Security Legislation
Statement on Signing the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Construction Grant Amendments of 1981
Statement on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1982
Statement on Signing International Security and Foreign Assistance Legislation
Statement on Signing Legislation Concerning Water Resources Development Projects
Statement on Signing the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981
Statement on Signing the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1982
Statement on Signing the Veterans' Health Care, Training, and Small Business Loan Act of 1981
Statement on Signing the Veterans' Disability Compensation, Housing, and Memorial Benefits Amendments of 1981
Statement on Signing the Uniformed Services Pay Act of 1981