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Proclamation 5112—National Year of Partnerships in Education 1983-1984
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5111—Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Proclamation 5110—National Alzheimer's Disease Month, 1983
Proclamation 5105—United Nations Day, 1983
Proclamation 5106—National Sewing Month, 1983
Proclamation 5107—National Adult Day Care Center Week, 1983
Executive Order 12443—Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
Proclamation 5108—National Employ the Handicapped Week, 1983
Proclamation 5109—National High School Activities Week, 1983
Proclamation 5104—Modification of Country Allocations of Quotas on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses