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Executive Order 11951—Relating to the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles
Gerald R. Ford
Executive Order 11950—Conforming the Central Intelligence Agency and Civil Service Retirement and Disability Systems With Respect to Cost of Living Adjustments
Executive Order 11949—Economic Impact Statements
Executive Order 11948—Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Proclamation 4480—Continuance of Duty on Certain Brandy
Proclamation 4479—Bill of Rights Day Human Rights Day and Week, 1976
Proclamation 4478—Adjustment of Duty on Certain Brandy
Proclamation 4477—Modification of Temporary Quantitative Limitations on the Importation into the United States of Certain Articles of Alloy Tool Steel
Executive Order 11947—Reports and Investigations Relating to the Administration of the Trade Agreements Program
Proclamation 4476—Emergency Medical Services Week, 1976