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Executive Order 9672—Establishing the National Wage Stabilization Board and Terminating the National War Labor Board
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9671—Restoring Certain Lands to the Territory of Hawaii
Proclamation 2678—Revoking Proclamation No. 2537 of January 14, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Control of Alien Enemies
Executive Order 9667—Revoking Executive Order 9074 of February, 25, 1942, Directing the Secretary of the Navy to Take Action Necessary to Protect Vessels, Harbors, Ports and Waterfront Facilities
Proclamation 2677—George Washington Carver Day
Executive Order 9668—Amending Subdivision Iii of Schedule a of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 9669—Transfer of Air-navigation Facilities and Functions in Iran from the War Department to the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics
Executive Order 9670—Establishing the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge