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Executive Order 9577-A—Authorizing the Petroleum Administrator to Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Texas Company Located in and Around Port Arthur, Texas
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9578—Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Under the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945
Executive Order 9579—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8937 of November 7, 1941, Extending the Period of Elibibility On Civil Service Registers Or Lists of Persons Who Serve in the Armed Forces of the United States
Executive Order 9580—Amendment of Executive Order No. 1888 of February 2, 1914, as Amended, Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Service of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company On the Isthmus of Panama
Executive Order 9581—Amending Executive Order No. 9299 of February 4, 1943, to Give the Territorial War Labor Board for the Territory of Hawaii Jurisdiction Over Voluntary Wage and Salary Adjustments of Employees in the Territory of Hawaii Subject to the Railway Labor Act
Executive Order 9582—Restoring Land to the Territory of Hawaii for Aeronautical Purposes, and Reserving Land for Military Purposes
Executive Order 9577—Terminating the War Food Administration and Transferring Its Functions to the Secretary of Agriculture
Executive Order 9576—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Erie Railroad Company and Its Employees
Executive Order 9575—Declaring the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service to Be a Military Service and Prescribing Regulations Therefor
Executive Order 9574—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Diamond Alkali Company, Located in Or Around Painesville, Ohio