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Executive Order 6625—Appointment to the Special Board for Public Works
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6626—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the War Department, Alaska
Executive Order 6628—Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department, Washington
Proclamation 2077—Emergency Board, Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation-Employees
Executive Order 6622—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6440 of November 18, 1933, as Amended by Executive Order No. 6554 of January 10, 1934
Executive Order 6623—Establishment of the Federal Employment Stabilization Office in the Department of Commerce, Etc.
Executive Order 6624—Deferring Effective Date of Abolishment of Federal Employment Stabilization Board
Executive Order 6621—Placing Certain Government Property Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, Virgin Islands
Executive Order 6617—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use in Connection with Walker River Indian Irrigation Project, Nevada
Executive Order 6614—Transfer of Functions of the War Department Pertaining to National Cemeteries and Memorials in Europe to the American Battle Monuments Commission