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Proclamation 2088—Suspending the Provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act of March 3, 1931
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6730—Revised Code of Fair Competition of the Iron and Steel Industry
Executive Order 6726—Establishing the Division of Territories and Island Possessions in the Department of the Interior and Transferring Thereto the Functions of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, Pertaining to the Administration of the Government of Puerto Rico
Executive Order 6727—Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6728—Revocation in Part of Section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6729—Code of Fair Competition for the Canning Industry
Proclamation 2087—Forbidding the Shipment of Arms to the Combatants in the Chaco
Executive Order 6724—Authorizing the Purchase or Rental of Land for Emergency Conservation Work
Executive Order 6725—Appointment of Additional Members to the Science Advisory Board
Executive Order 6725-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Baking Industry