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Executive Order 5528—Restoring Portion of Upolu Airplane Landing Field to the Territory of Hawaii
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5525—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, Utah
Executive Order 5524—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Land Pending Resurvey, Colorado
Executive Order 5523—Classification of Mr. John W. Martyn
Executive Order 5522—Withdrawal of Public Lands in Aid of Legislation, Arizona
Executive Order 5521—Restoring to the Government of the Territory of Hawaii Portions of the Military Reservations of Fort Shafter and Hawaii Arsenal
Executive Order 5520—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Lulie Hunt Turnipseed
Executive Order 5519—Retention of Robert Peet Skinner in the Foreign Service
Proclamation 1928—Enlarging the Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico
Executive Order 5518—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico