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Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Barack Obama
Proclamation 8904—American Education Week, 2012
Proclamation 8903—World Freedom Day, 2012
Memorandum on an Emergency Leave Transfer Program for Federal Employees Adversely Affected by Hurricane Sandy
Proclamation 8902—Veterans Day, 2012
Memorandum on Directing a Transfer of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Oil From the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve to the Department of Defense for Disbursement to Communities Affected by Hurricane Sandy
Proclamation 8900—National Family Caregivers Month, 2012
Proclamation 8901—National Native American Heritage Month, 2012
Notice on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Weapons of Mass Destruction
Proclamation 8896—National Adoption Month, 2012