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Proclamation 8161—Parents' Day, 2007
George W. Bush
Memorandum on Waiver of Limitation on Obligation and Expenditure of $642.5 Million in Fiscal Year 2007 Economic Support Funds for Iraq
Proclamation 8160—Captive Nations Week, 2007
Presidential Determination on Transfer of Economic Support Funds to the Overseas Private Investment Corporation To Establish a Loan Guarantee Program
Memorandum on Transfer of Funds From Prior Year Independent States Account to the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Account To Support the Women's Justice and Empowerment Initiative
Memorandum on Assignment of Certain Functions Relating to Nuclear Energy Facilities
Proclamation 8159—Grant of Executive Clemency
Executive Order 13436—Further Amending Executive Order 13381, as Amended To Extend its Duration by One Year
Proclamation 8157—To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences, Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and for Other Purposes
Memorandum on Assignment of Reporting Function