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Proclamation 7324—50th Anniversary of the Korean War and National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2000
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 13159—Blocking Property of the Government of the Russian Federation Relating to the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted From Nuclear Weapons
Memorandum on United States-Israel Cooperation on Affordable Housing and Community Development
Memorandum on Joint Guidance on Supporting Responsible Fatherhood Efforts
Memorandum on Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Proclamation 7323—Father's Day, 2000
Proclamation 7322—225th Anniversary of the United States Army
Memorandum on a New Era of Ocean Exploration
Proclamation 7318—Establishment of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
Proclamation 7321—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2000