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Executive Order 12993—Administrative Allegations Against Inspectors General
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 12994—Continuing the President's Committee on Mental Retardation and Broadening Its Membership and Responsibilities
Proclamation 6872—Women's History Month, 1996
Memorandum on Funds for International Financial Institutions and Organizations
Executive Order 12992—President's Council on Counter-Narcotics
Proclamation 6871—National Poison Prevention Week, 1996
Notice—Continuation of Iran Emergency
Proclamation 6870—National Park Week, 1996
Memorandum on Assistance to Slovenia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Memorandum on Drawdown of Commodities and Services From the Departments of Defense, the Treasury, Transportation, and Justice and Drawdown of Defense Articles, Defense Services, and Training From the Department of Defense for Israel