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Proclamation 8413—Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2009
Barack Obama
Notice on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
Memorandum on Eligibility of the Economic Community of Central African States To Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as Amended
Memorandum on Eligibility of the Maldives To Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as Amended
Proclamation 8411—Labor Day, 2009
Proclamation 8412—National Preparedness Month, 2009
Proclamation 8409—National Wilderness Month, 2009
Proclamation 8410—National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2009
Proclamation 8405—To Adjust the Rules of Origin Under the North American Free Trade Agreement and For Other Purposes
Proclamation 8406—National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2009
Proclamation 8407—National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
Proclamation 8408—National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
Memorandum on Designation of Officers of the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico To Act as the Commissioner of the United States Section
Proclamation 8404—National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2009
Proclamation 8403—Death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Proclamation 8402—Women's Equality Day, 2009
Proclamation 8401—Fiftieth Anniversary of Hawaii Statehood
Memorandum on Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations
Proclamation 8400—Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2009
Notice - Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export Control Regulations