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Executive Order 13234—Presidential Task Force on Citizen Preparedness in the War on Terrorism
George W. Bush
Notice - Continuation of Iran Emergency
Memorandum on China's Accession to the World Trade Organization
Memorandum on Taiwan's Accession to the World Trade Organization
Proclamation 7497—National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2001
Proclamation 7493—National Adoption Month, 2001
Proclamation 7492—National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2001
Executive Order 13233—Further Implementation of the Presidential Records Act
Notice - Continuation of Sudan Emergency
Proclamation 7491—Veterans Day, 2001
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-2—Combating Terrorism Through Immigration Policies
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-1—Organization and Operation of the Homeland Security Council
Proclamation 7489—National Red Ribbon Week for a Drug-Free America, 2001
Proclamation 7490—United Nations Day, 2001
Proclamation 7488—National Character Counts Week, 2001
Executive Order 13232—Further Amendment to Executive Order 10789, As Amended, To Authorize the Department of Health and Human Services To Exercise Certain Contracting Authority in Connection With National Defense Functions
Proclamation 7487—National Forest Products Week, 2001
Notice - Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
Executive Order 13231—Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age
Memorandum on Assistance for Pakistan