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Executive Order 12541—Amending Executive Order 11157 as It Relates to a Basic Allowance for Quarters While on Sea Duty
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12542—President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management
Executive Order 12540—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Memorandum on the Fiscal Year 1987 Budget
Memorandum on Certification To Authorize Continuation of Certain Assistance for Bolivia
Proclamation 5424—Made in America Month, 1985
Proclamation 5423—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 5422—Wright Brothers Day, 1985
Proclamation 5421—Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, 1985
Proclamation 5420—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day and Week, 1985
Proclamation 5419—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week, 1985
Proclamation 5418—National Community College Month, 1986
Proclamation 5417—National Consumers Week, 1986
Proclamation 5415—National Home Care Week, 1985
Proclamation 5416—National Temporary Services Week, 1985
Executive Order 12539—President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Proclamation 5414—National Mark Twain Day, 1985
Proclamation 5413—National Day of Fasting To Raise Funds To Combat Hunger, 1985
Proclamation 5411—National Adoption Week, 1985
Proclamation 5412—Thanksgiving Day, 1985