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Proclamation 4748—Technical Amendments to Proclamation 4744
Jimmy Carter
Proclamation 4747—Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust
Proclamation 4746—National Consumer Education Week
Proclamation 4745—Older Americans Month and Senior Citizens Day
Memorandum From the President on Diplomatic Relations With Iran
Executive Order 12205—Economic Sanctions Against Iran
Executive Order 12206—Iranian Aliens
Proclamation 4744—Petroleum Import Adjustment Program
Proclamation 4743—Mother's Day, 1980
Proclamation 4742—Establishment of a Special Limited Global Import Quota for Upland Cotton
Memorandum on Prohibition of U.S. Transactions With Respect to the Olympic Games on 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow
Proclamation 4740—ORT Centennial Day, 1980
Proclamation 4741—National Bicycling Day
Executive Order 12204—Generalized System of Preferences
Executive Order 12203—Panama Canal
Memorandum From the President on the American Leather Wearing Apparel Industry
Proclamation 4739—National Medic Alert Week, 1980
Proclamation 4738—National Energy Education Day
Executive Order 12202—Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee
Proclamation 4737—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1980