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Memorandum Urging Support of the Red Cross by Federal Employees and Members of the Armed Forces
Lyndon B. Johnson
Proclamation 3825—Red Cross Month, 1968
Executive Order 11395—Further Amending Executive Order No. 10713, Providing for Administration of the Ryukyu Islands
Proclamation 3824—American Heart Month, 1968
Executive Order 11394—Establishing the President's Commission for the Observance of Human Rights Year 1968
Proclamation 3823—Modifying Proclamation 3279 Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Executive Order 11392—Ordering Certain Units of the Ready Reserve of the Naval Reserve, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard of the United States to Active Duty
Executive Order 11393—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11391—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Executive Order 11390—Delegation of Certain Functions of the President to the Secretary of Defense
Executive Order 11389—Placing an Additional Position in Level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Memorandums Directing a Reduction of Personnel and Official Travel Overseas
Executive Order 11388—Designation of Officers of the Department of Commerce to Act as Secretary of Commerce
Memorandum Directing Reduction of AID Expenditures Overseas in Connection With the Balance of Payments Program
Executive Order 11387—Governing Certain Capital Transfers Abroad
Executive Order 11386—Prescribing Arrangements for Coordination of the Activities of Regional Commissions and Activities of the Federal Government Relating to Regional Economic Development, and Establishing the Federal Advisory Council on Regional Economic Development
Executive Order 11385—Placing an Additional Position in Level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Proclamation 3822—To Carry Out Geneva (1967) Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Other Agreements
Proclamation 3821—Wright Brothers Day, 1967
Executive Order 11384—Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule